Windows Phone Mango

Today Microsoft has released the Beta Tools for Mango. Mango delivers many new features to Windows Phone developers. The two features we were waiting for are the following:

  • Background processing
  • Networking / sockets for communications

Now you are also able to use sockets instead of BOSH as transport layer on Windows Phone Mango. And your XMPP apps are able to run in background and keep your XMPP connection alive for listening asynchronous on events. This is a big step forward for XMPP and Instant Messaging apps on Windows Phone.

I have implemented sockets in MatriX for Windows Phone. You can download the MatriX beta release for Mango here.

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  1. Hi

    Any plans for adding this to agsXMPP as well, so I can use this in open source projects.


  2. no this is too much work. agsXMPP is based on too many classes which are missing in Silverlight and the Windows Phone SDK.

    When you want to create a free app then you can apply for a free MatriX license. But we usually cannot accept Open Source apps because most OS licenses are incompatible with the commercial licensing model of MatriX.

  3. I was looking forward to making an xmpp messenger for mango and releasing it for free , is there any possibility that i could get a free matrix library for free ?

  4. im getting the following error when im trying out the code ? is it a bug or am i doing something wrong?

    Set the ‘to’ attribute of stream element to the domain part of the user’s JID. Example: to=’’.

  5. Hi,

    Does the Matrix.dll provide a XMPP client library for developing applications for the Windows Phone 7.1 Mango platform ?

    I’ve been trying to use it but doesnt work for the jabber client ? or is it just for sockets ?

    • Yes it does. This article is about the 7.1 version (Mango). Please follow the download link in this article. Sockets are one of the great new features in Mango and are supported now in MatriX for WP7.1.

  6. Mango still cannot have sockets open in the background. so is this library helpful?

  7. i want to notify the user for new chat message even if my application is in it possible?

    • normally applications cannot continue running in the background on Windows Phone. When your app does not run in background it cannot receive anything. There are 2 solutios for this:

      1) request permission for your app to run in background from MS.
      2) work with a combination of XMPP and Windows Phone push services to wake up your app over push messages.

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